Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

Event Video

Our latest grand master video has been released. Click the image below to view it on YouTube.

In addition please check out the Cornerstone tutorial video we have made:

Now with chapter bookmarks!

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Chicken and Waffle Dinner Fundraiser for Bethel 140Bethel 35 of Moreno Valley Merged with Bethel 264Evergreen Lodge 259 Halloween NightBrother James N. HenleyVictorville Lodge Newest Entered ApprenticesStardust Chapter No.145  Installation of OfficersCome Celebrate 50 Years Of MasonryCalled from Labor to Rest
November 29, 2015

Ungrava O.E.S Installation

  Nov. 16, 2015 was the Installation of the Ungava Chapter , Order of Eastern Star, officers.   The  event was preceded with a chicken/ pineapple  dinner served by the Jobs Daughters of Bethel 264.  At least  80 attended.  Numerous Grand and Past Grand  Officers assisted in the installation.  The flag was presented by members of […]

November 17, 2015

Victorville Lodge Newest Entered Apprentices

  A big congratulations to our newest Entered Apprentices Brother Nick Masseria Andrew Klokeid Ron Watters ! The officers did a fantastic job, thank you to all who came! Share! Tweet Follow

First Annual Poinsettia Ball

  Only a few days away is the first annual Poinsettia Ball, being held at the Scottish Rite Temple in San Bernardino, Saturday eve, Nov 21st. Tickets are still available for this momentous occasion! Doors open at 530, dinner at 630, and a performance of big band swing music from 730 to 930, as performed […]

Stardust Chapter No.145 Installation of Officers

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November 11, 2015

Called from Labor to Rest

It is again my sad duty to announce the passing of a very active and memorable member of our Masonic family. Brother Ernie Morris of the Pomona Masonic bodies has passed away. Ernie will be remembered with a Knight Templar Memorial Service @ Pomona Lodge – December 5th at noon. Steve Alderete Share! Tweet Follow

San Diego Lodge No. 35 Newest Master Mason

On October 30th  San Diego Lodge # 35  Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.   Ben Solomuni Share! Tweet Follow

Star of the Valley Chapter Installed New officers on November 7,2015

Star of the Valley Annual Installation of Officers  Start of the Valley Chapter #648 celebrated their annual Installation of Officers with a standing room only Chapter room.  The eveing was filled with wonderful memories and  fellowship with old and new members.  They look forward to and exciting year. Share! Tweet Follow

Bethel 35 of Moreno Valley Merged with Bethel 264

   On November 7, 2015 Bethel 35 of Moreno Valley officially merged with Bethel 264 in Riverside.  Girls from Bethel 35 signed the book in a special ceremony and welcomed into the Bethel 264 family.   Riverside's  Bethel  264 initiated 4 new girls at the previous meeting. It is now nearly up to a full line of […]

November 7, 2015

Jobs Daughter's Welcome Two New Members To Bethel 262 In Victorville

With thousands of members across the United States, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, and Brazil, Job's Daughters offers you a limitless array of opportunities. If you are a young lady between the ages of 10 and 20, and would like more information on how you can join in the fun, be sure to talk to your […]

Come Celebrate 50 Years Of Masonry

The Golden Veteran Award is given for 50 years in Masonry. Share! Tweet Follow

Chicken and Waffle Dinner Fundraiser for Bethel 140

  Founded in 1920 by Mrs. Ethel T. Wead Mick, Job's Daughters International is an organization of young women with members in the United States, Canada, Australia, the Philippines and Brazil. Members have fun together at activities such as swimming parties, dances, family picnics, slumber parties, miniature golf, marching in parades and so much more. […]

Star of the Valley Installation of Officers

2016 Officers Elect Worthy Matron – Velma Pruett Worthy Patron – Pat Janitell Associate Matron – Susan Massey Associate Patron – Curt Massey Conductress – Suzanne Holland Associate Conductress – Sandra McGhee Share! Tweet Follow

November 1, 2015

Evergreen Lodge 259 Halloween Night

The evergreen masonic family had a well attended halloween night Oct 28th. Food and fun for all ages. Share! Tweet Follow

Brother James N. Henley

      Brother James N. Henley Born: Sept. 29, 1929 Entered into rest: Oct. 15, 2015 His many life experiences included watching the bombing of Pearl Harbor, seeing the world and being shipwrecked off Guadalcanal as a Merchant Mariner with the Coast Guard, served in Korea with the Army. Became firefighter, then Fire Chief, […]

You are currently browsing the Masonic Life Network weblog archives for November, 2015.

Contact Information

  Frank Lee
(951) 312-4607
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