May 19, 2015
This year our Grand Master is leading an effort to support the Firefighters in Safety Education (FISE) program. This program will bring active firefighters into our public schools to teach age-appropriate fire safety lessons to thousands of elementary aged school children every year. Parents should never have to respond to a fire emergency involving their […]
The Grand Master just returned from an extraordinary trip with many California Masons to the Holy Land. Please check the Grand Master’s remarks on the following “On The Level” link ( Share! Tweet Follow
May 14, 2015
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Since 1920, Freemasons in California continue to celebrate free, public education. Then Grand Master of Masons of California and Superintendent of Public Education, John Swett, declared the month of April as Public Schools Observance Month and urged all Lodges and the Brethren to conduct programs which support their local schools. Temescal Palms Lodge […]
May 11, 2015
Each year our Craft elects its leaders for the ensuing Grand Lodge Masonic year. One of those leaders is the Grand Master who is provided with the privilege to appoint twenty-six Brethren who he believes deserves special recognition for their exemplary service to our Craft. Below is a picture of our current Grand Lodge officers. […]
This is more than just a reception; it is a celebration of all of our accomplishments together. We began this joinery when I was Inspector and it continued when I was appointed Assistant Grand Lecturer four years ago. When I became AGL I saw the opportunity to blaze new trails for us as Masons, in […]
May 5, 2015
Hi Everyone, The team would just like you to know that we are coming back from our long needed break. If you have any events or communications you would like posted please email We will review and post all newsworthy events. With the team coming back from break. We have decided to launch a […]