Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

Event Video

Our latest grand master video has been released. Click the image below to view it on YouTube.

In addition please check out the Cornerstone tutorial video we have made:

Now with chapter bookmarks!

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Proud To Be AmericanBob Beguin Receives Golden Veterans Award At Temescal Palms LodgeBrother Bill Stines Receives Golden Veterans Award at Evergreen LodgeBrother Sam Cross Golden Veterans AwardInland Empire GGOV
September 17, 2013

Inland Empire GGOV

  Seven Inland Empire Jobs Daughters Bethels converged on Evergreen Lodge on Saturday, Sept. 14  for a Grand Guardian visit. A county fair theme organized by the girls entertained the Grand Guardian and  Assoc. Grand Guardian. The girls opened with one Honored Queen, escorts by another, and closing ceremony by another. The visitation was followed […]

September 12, 2013

Brother Sam Cross Golden Veterans Award

  Brother Sam Cross received the Golden Veterans Award (50 years as a Master Mason) last night in a very meaningful ceremony at Riverside Lodge. Our Inspector, Worshipful John Channon, did an excellent job presenting the award. Sam and his wife, Georgia, have both had impressive careers in law enforcement. Steve Morrison, Master Riverside Lodge […]

September 5, 2013

Brother Bill Stines Receives Golden Veterans Award at Evergreen Lodge

  Bro. Bill Stines  was  honored on September 4, 2013  at  Evergreen Lodge in Riverside  with the  Golden Veterans Award  (50 year membership)  . Prior to the  ceremony , more  than  50 attended the  dinner .  Lynnette Channon cooked up chicken fried steak,  fresh mashed potato,  corn,  rolls,  salad , and her cherry/pineapple dessert. Jobs […]

September 4, 2013

Proud To Be American

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Bob Beguin Receives Golden Veterans Award At Temescal Palms Lodge

  Brother Bob Bequin was honored at Temescal Palms  Lodge in Corona for his 50 years of membership at a  dinner and presentation on  August 6, 2013. His bio was read by the Master of the Lodge, Worshipful Michael Padilla. Many members from the Corona Circle City Shirne Club were also in attendance, supporting their […]

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  Frank Lee
(951) 312-4607
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