Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

Event Video

Our latest grand master video has been released. Click the image below to view it on YouTube.

In addition please check out the Cornerstone tutorial video we have made:

Now with chapter bookmarks!

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Brother Haworth Receives 50Year Golden Anniversary AwardTemescal Palms Lodge No.314 Third Annual Public Service Appreciation AwardsPast Masters’ Night Program Draws Entire District for 3rd Degree Elsinore High School Wins Vic Knight Commemorative Constitution Contest Blythe Needles Lodge 473 Will Host Annual Desert Retreat And Celebration
November 25, 2012

Blythe Needles Lodge 473 Will Host Annual Desert Retreat And Celebration

  Ladies and Gentlemen, It’ time once again for our Annual Desert Retreat/Celebration. This has been a tradition in our Lodge for several years. The Master & I invite everyone to come out, participate, and have a good time. We will set up at the site we used last year. It is up on the mesa […]

November 21, 2012

Past Masters’ Night Program Draws Entire District for 3rd Degree

  The largest assembly of Past Masters in the 822nd district resulted in a fine evening on November 14. The event  held  at  Evergreen Lodge began with a  salad ,steak , baked potato, masonic beans, and a homemade dessert  all  prepared  by  Lynnette Channon and  Greg Covel.  Evergreen officers opened lodge earlier. There  were 41 […]

Temescal Palms Lodge No.314 Third Annual Public Service Appreciation Awards

  On the evening of Tuesday, November 13th, the Third Annual Public Service Appreciation Awards Ceremony was held at Temescal Palms Lodge #314, F&AM, located at 2313 South Main Street in Corona, California. The event honored public servants who go beyond their regular duties and give of themselves to the community with dinner and an […]

November 20, 2012

Brother Haworth Receives 50Year Golden Anniversary Award

  Brother Haworth was honored at Evergreen Lodge in Riverside for his 50 years of membership at a  dinner and presentation on  November 7, 2012. The honoree was  escorted  to the East  to be pinned by  his Grandson Tanner and then conducted  to a place between the pillars to commemorate his  journey  in the  Lodge. […]

November 6, 2012

Elsinore High School Wins Vic Knight Commemorative Constitution Contest

  On Thursday, October 18, 2012, Menifee Valley Lodge #289 of the 826th Masonic District, held its 17th Annual Brother Vick Knight, Ed.D., Commemorative Constitution Contest. The High Schools competing this year were: Elsinore HS, Wildomar; Lakeview HS, Lake Elsinore; Nuview Bridge Early College HS, Nuevo; Paloma Valley HS, Menifee;  and Perris HS, Perris. After […]

You are currently browsing the Masonic Life Network weblog archives for November, 2012.

Contact Information

  Frank Lee
(951) 312-4607
To submit an article email here: 

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