Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network

Masonic Life Network, dedicated to raising funds for Masonic Activities

Event Video

Our latest grand master video has been released. Click the image below to view it on YouTube.

In addition please check out the Cornerstone tutorial video we have made:

Now with chapter bookmarks!

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     Rialto Masonic Family Participates In Relay For LifeTemescal Palms Lodge Hosts Breakfast On July 4th Sonora League Sweethearts Ball 2012Master Of San Jacinto Lodge Presents Scholarship To Jamie BackRedlands RAM #77 Hosted Steak Dinner Operation Literacy 2012Sonora League Restarted It's Palm Springs ChapterErnest Borgnine, 1917-2012
July 30, 2012

Operation Literacy 2012

“There is a tide in the affairs of men” The Operation Literacy committee presented this year’s Division 8 program, for the Grand Master’s project, “Raising A Reader” on Wednesday June 20, 2012 at the San Bernardino Scottish Rite Center.  The theme of the program was “There is a tide in the affairs of men”, and […]

July 29, 2012

Grand Lecturer Holds Master Mason's School For Division 8

  The Grand Lecturer, the Very Worshipful Jack M. Rose, conducted the Division’s Master Mason’s class on Saturday, July 14th at Evergreen Lodge in Riverside. At least 60 Mason’s were in attendance for the exemplification of the 3rd Degree. The degree was presented in an exemplary manner by members from Temecula-Catalina Island Lodge, presenting the […]

Sonora League Restarted It's Palm Springs Chapter

  Sonora League restarted it's Palm Springs Chapter. This evening at the Moreno Valley Chapter's meeting we Initiated it's first two members along with two new members for the Mo Val Chapter. It was one of the most exciting Masonic Family events I have ever had the honor of attending. There were Masons, Sweethearts, Princesses, […]

Redlands RAM #77 Hosted Steak Dinner

  Redlands RAM #77 hosted a tri-tip steak dinner and home-made  cherry/chocolate cake with 7-toasts in open Table Lodge for Master Masons and  guest to learn more about the York Rite and Freemasonry.Fifty-five RSVP guests were in attendance and enjoyed the fellowship,  Masonic education, and experience of an open Table Lodge.  A photo was requested of […]

July 22, 2012

Operation Literacy Division 8 Prayer Contest Winners For 2012

  The perfect cap and foundation stones for this year’s Operation Literacy program were furnished by Brothers Virgil Mink and Robert Bonner. Worshipful Brother Virgil opened the program with the invocation and Brother Bonner closed the ceremonies with the benediction. Thank you Brothers for your inspired words and thanks to everyone who made a submission. […]

July 18, 2012

Ernest Borgnine, 1917-2012

Ernest Borgnine, 1917-2012 Ernest Borgnine (born Ermes Effron Borgnino; January 24, 1917 – July 8, 2012) was an American film and television actor whose career spanned more than six decades. He was an unconventional lead in many films of the 1950s, winning an Oscar in 1955 for Marty. On television, he played Quinton McHale in […]

Rialto Masonic Family Participates In Relay For Life

  On Saturday and Sunday June 23rd to 24th the Rialto Masonic Family had a team participating in the Rialto Relay For Life held at Carter High School.  Relay For Life is a 24 hour walk-a-thon that raises money to support the American Cancer Society and has been operating for many decades at many locations […]

July 16, 2012

DeMolay Installation At Moreno Valley Lodge

  The semi-annual Installation for Moreno Valley Chapter Order of DeMolay took place on Tuesday,July 10, 2012 at the Montee Masonic Center. The Installation of Master Councilor Brother Harrison Baker-Strader supported by Councilors, Brothers Jordan Roubedeaux and Job Solis in the West and South respectively was exceptionally performed by The Southern California Jurisdiction Deputy Master […]

July 13, 2012

Temescal Palms Lodge Hosts Breakfast On July 4th

  Celebrating our countries birthday started early in the day, with breakfast at Temescal Palms Lodge #314, in Corona. Many families enjoyed the large breakfast that included scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, biscuits, gravy and pancakes, which was cooked by many of the younger members of the Lodge. The Jr. Warden, Mike Padilla, provided his truck […]

Sonora League Sweethearts Ball 2012

  Sonora League does it again. Temescal Palms Lodge #314 and DeMolay Chapter hosted Sonora DeMolay League Sweethearts Ball in Corona June 30, 2012. It was an evening honoring Miss Lerina Galba-Bright of Moreno Valley Chapter – League Sweetheart and Miss Sarah Baker Moreno Valley Chapter Sweetheart. The hall was jammed to capacity with Sweethearts, […]

Master Of San Jacinto Lodge Presents Scholarship To Jamie Back

  I had the great honor to present Jamie Back her seven thousand dollar scholarship at the San Jacinto High School in June. Reading  resumes from students like this are inspiring. Ms. Back graduated from San Jacinto High School this year with a G.P.A. of 3.98. That is just the surface of Ms. Back. She […]

July 11, 2012

Big Bear Lodge + Rim Of The World Lodge = A Great Weekend

The second annual Division 8 Inspector of Instruction and family weekend in Big Bear was held on June 29 and 30, 2012.  Members of Big Bear Lake Lodge and many of the Inspectors and their wives, joined the A.G.L., Frank Lee and his wife Lewrana, on Friday evening for dinner, hosted by Big Bear Lodge. […]

July 9, 2012

Reception for Junior Grand Deacon Victor A. Key, Jr

 Inland Empire Lodge No. 306 hosted a reception for the Junior Grand Deacon, Victor A. Key, Jr. on Saturday June 16, 2012.The Grand Master, Frank Loui, was joined by many Grand Lodge officers, Masons, DeMolay, Jobs Daughters, Rainbow Girls and family to recognize the work Worshipful Key has done. In addition to being a Grand […]

July 4, 2012

Grand Bethel 2012 – Drums, Dragon & Rickshaw

 On Thursday, June 21st, members of the Grand Lodge Family, including the Grand Master Frank Loui and his wife Jeanie, gathered for the opening sessions of California Grand Bethel, for Job’s Daughters, at the Visalia Convention Center.  The Daughters in attendance were very exuberant even before the session began with cheers and one side of […]

July 2, 2012


  The annual summer festival at the Masonic Home of California at Covina was held on Saturday, June 16, 2012. This year there was “Aloha”, obviously using a Hawaiian backdrop to all of the day’s activities.   Everyone was given a very warm greeting at the checking table and received the traditions leis, to be worn […]

"Let's Go To Las Vegas"

  San Jacinto had their program, ”Let’s Go to Las Vegas”, with Seniors On Stage, on June 15, 2012 at Hans Christianson Middle School in Menifee. The proceeds from the evening went to the Grand Master’s project, “Raising A Reader”. The evening included 25 acts, that consisted of stand up comedians, such as “Larry the […]

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  Frank Lee
(951) 312-4607
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